Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to Turn Your 'Dream' of Success into a Reality

Dreams have a freedom factor that we rarely see in real life. Dreams allow us to do or to be almost anyone or anything we’d like to be.Dreams allow us the greatest expression of self without judgment or criticism.

Dreams of success are a great thing to have but after awhile they can become more discouraging then anything else. It’s great to dream but it’s even better when that dream becomes a reality. Are you ready to turn your dreams of success into a reality? Here are 3 keys to help you do that.

Write your dreams down.

Writing your dreams down is the first step in the process to make them real. This will allow you to write down all the things that are floating in your head. As you write you will begin to define exactly what success is to you. This will be a very empowering process for you.

Create successful goals.

Once you have your dream written down you need to create goals that will help you get there. One of the biggest mistakes that are made here is making the goals to big. I know you have big dreams but you need to make your goals as easy as possible. The more you break your goals down the easier they will become.

Become responsible for your dream.

A lot of people don’t take the responsibility of reaching their dreams upon themselves. They blame people or circumstances for the reason why their dreams never come to pass. The reality of it is that you are the only one responsible in the long run for the attainment of your dreams. The more you realize this the more you will go from a victim to that of a victor. Before you know it you will be living your dreams.